Monday, July 11, 2011


Salam dearies, kindly please read the terms and conditions first before proceed with your order which you can refer here

and please make sure that you are SERIOUS with your order. Those who submit order and back out,  will be blacklisted and you will not be able to shop here anymore. 


Contact Number

Shipping Address

Email Address:

Items Codes ( One item per line ) :

Color(If any)

Size (If any)

Picture's Link (for example :

Total Quantity

Bank Preferred



I will settle the payment

Within 24 hours

Within 48 hours

Within 3 days

You are well aware that if you are ordering a PRE ORDER items, it will require you to wait for about up to 2-3 weeks time for the items to reach you.If you are failed to do so and complaining about the delayed of the items, you'll be agree that MODDY will not refund your money back unless the items you ordered are out of stock.If you are insist to get your refund, MODDY will take 10% off from the total you paid

Yes I agree

No. I'm not agree. Please cancel my order

If ready stock, please click HERE

Form provided by Freedback.